Broughty Ferry to Abroath

Broughty Ferry to Abroath

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Broughty Ferry beach, Dundee.

Easy access to beach at start and finish, free parking both ends, very short walks to beach at both ends.


Arbroath West Links beach, opposite Red Lion Holiday Park.

Run Length

21 km

Shuttle Length

22 km

Weather & more

From Broughty Ferry, a strong SW wind and leave two hours after high tide.

From Arbroath, a strong NE wind and leave two hours after low tide.

Be very, very careful of swell hitting the Gaa sands, as it breaks randomly, and can be big. This is where our lifeboat the Mona washed up, with all eight crew lost, in 1959. On small swell days you can cut through on the inside, but on big days you should go wide, perhaps even a few hundred meters outside the north Inner Buoy. In summer you might spot dolphins and seals.

Apres paddle

Marco's on the Shore is famous for their Fish & Chips.


Steve Olivier

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