Reverse Porty Gullane Run

Reverse Porty Gullane Run

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Gullane Beach, Marine Terrace, Gullane, EH31 2AZ

Gullane Beach is a large bay often busy with day trippers during the summer.  Easy parking that costs around £2.20 for the day.  Height barriers make access for vans challenging unless you have a key.  It's approximately a 200m walk down a path to the beach, be aware of other beach users.


Tumbles at Portobello, 20 Westbank Street, Edinburgh, EH15 1DR, Scotland

Portobello Beach in front of Tumbles.  Be aware of the groins along this stretch of beach although they should be very visible.  A short walk up the beach across a busy promenade.  Watch fore bikes and walkers along the prom. 

Run Length

21-23 km

Shuttle Length

27 km

Weather & more

Paddle around 2km directly out from the beach before turning left towards Edinburgh.  You may be able to see Arthurs Seat, if so aim for the saddle, but it's best to save your location at Portobello on your garmin at the start of the shuttle and navigating using this to give you the best line.  The run works best on an Easterly wind and flooding tide. 

Apres paddle

Soft serve from the van at Gullane is a delicious sugar hit before setting off.  Miro's Bistro, Portobello will satisfy the appetite this run helps develop.


Lizelle Kemp

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