Skalderviken Run

Skalderviken Run

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Arild Hamn

WGS84 56°16'31.4"N 12°34'29.6"E

Park in the little marina and use the boat ramp to put in.

To get best direction and surf start with paddle 1 km north before you turn in to the bay.


Klitterhus Ängelholm

WGS84 56°15'55.0"N 12°50'10.1"E

On a clear day you can see the finish a big yellow house (restaurant). 

Another direction mark is the water tower which is good to aim for in the beginning.

Land on the left side of the long bridge, there are rocks in front of the restaurants.

Parking is behind the restaurant.

Run Length

17 km

Shuttle Length

28 km

Weather & more

The course work from SW to NW. W an NW gives big fast waves in strong wind. 


Leif Davidsson

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