Start - Three Options
Pettico Wick Bay
Dunbar Harbour or Belhaven Bay
Run Length
25 km
Shuttle length
34 km
Weather & more
Only works on a South Easterly of 25km/h upwards and on a flood tide.
Coastline between Pettico Wick and Pease Bay is spectacular and very committed with no easy landing options. Not for beginners.
On smaller swell days it's possible to land at Dunbar East Beach. Check the harbour entrance at Dunbar before setting off as some swell conditions can make getting into the harbour entrance tricky.
Landing at Belhaven Bay may be the safer option.
The bay is a natural trap for Salmon and is considered one of the best shore diving locations in the UK.
History of contraband being hidden in caves along this coastline dating back to 1769 and beyond.
Apres paddle
Lots of fantastic options around Eyemouth, St Abbs and Dunbar. Land on the right day at Dunbar Harbour and you can fill your sea legs from The Big Blue Sea with Moule Frite.
Lizelle Kemp
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