Gäsistrasse 31, 8757 Weesen
47.12854916374016, 9.11241276123355
Usually enough parking space in front of camping Gäsi, (paid all year around)
Kasernenstrasse, 8880 Walenstadt
47.12475080089867, 9.301657031703554
Big open parking space at the outdoor theatre in Walenstadt.
Alternatively there's a small-boat marina to exit in case the wind is too strong that provides more protection.
Run Length
15 km
Shuttle Length
20 km
Weather & more
Full west (or East the other way around) storm necessary.
Wind forecast can be unreliable to model the conditions in this steep valley properly.
Not many places to bail en-route, so be careful.
Full wetsuit, helmet, life-vest.
Gergely Nagy
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